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Catholic Social Teaching

Photo taken from Catholic Social Teaching; an introduction for schools, parishes and charities

by Raymond Friel, Redemptorist publications 2023


Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is the teaching of the Church on social order; this impacts all of society including social and political dimensions. God has given us the gift of life and it is our responsibility to care for our world - people of all faiths, cultures and backgrounds must unite to make sure we leave the world in a better state than when we entered it. 



What do we do at Our Lady's?

Our termly topics includes 'The Big CST Question' which provides the platform for personal responses from the children and encourages debate so that children identify ways in which their actions can help to make the world a better place. 


Cafod's Live Simply Agenda 

We are answering the call from Pope Francis to care for creation by completing Cafod's Live Simply Agenda. We have been working for over a year to complete 9 actions across our school, local and global communities. This is all surrounded by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. 








As you can see we have completed our action plan! 


Option for the poor and vulnerable

We support many local, national and international charities throughout the academic year.

Local charities

  • Food banks (collections for Harvest and during Advent) 
  • Local parishioners (gifts at Christmas, attendance at Mass in school, service of refreshments after parish Masses)

National charities

  • Fr Hudson's Society (The Good Shepherd Appeal)
  • Children in Need (pyjama day)
  • Macmillan Cancer Support (coffee morning)

International charities 

  • CAFOD (Harvest Fast Day, The Big Lent Walk) 
  • Red Cross (emergency appeal for the Middle East and earthquake appeal)


Stewards of God's Creation

As part of the Season of Creation, all children and staff made a pledge to take action for Creation. You will see lots of these trees around our school!