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Prayer and Liturgy (Collective Worship)

At Our Lady's we believe that prayer gives us strength and guidance; it is a way of becoming closer to God. Prayer is an important part of our life at school and takes place daily either as a class or as a whole school. 

We use the format of: gather, listen, respond, go forth for prayer and liturgy as a whole school (Gospel assembly) or during class times of prayer and liturgy. Our children know them as the Power of Prayer (POP) groups and they take a leading role in planning, delivering and evaluating prayer and liturgy in their classes. 

All classrooms have a prayer table that is at the front and so is visible to all; it is treated with care and respect and matches the liturgical time of year. 

There are prayers that children should be familiar with by the end of the school year. Our children use these prayer books as a resource for their POP groups or for private prayer in our school chapel. So that children are immersed in the richness of prayer in accordance with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prayers have been selected for different year groups to supplement the curriculum for religious education and prayers specific to our school and parish community. We also use the prayer of the month to widen children's experience of traditional prayers. 

Please click on your child's year group for our prayer booklets for you to use with your child at home.